Decisions, decisions….

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been doing this for the number of years that we have- and every year is a little bit different. There’s new events that come and go, new products that we try out, new people to meet.

Right now, we’re looking at the calendar and trying to decide which events to do. We had a great time at Edgewood Celtic Festival last year, so that’s a definite. There’s also a new holiday artists festival at the New Mexico Fairgrounds in December that we were considering, and the same group is doing an outdoor Albuquerque Renaissance Fair in late March.

Late March + Outside + 32 hours of sales time is a lot to think about. We’ve been snowed on during the Albuquerque Ren Faire hosted by the city at Balloon Fiesta park at the end of April, so not really sure we want to sign up for 3 days in March.

Add in that we don’t want to shortchange our customers by not having enough fresh stock to support all these events… typically winter is a time for us to cogitate, brainstorm, and work with new materials and come up with new ideas. And maybe some members of the shop are writing books, too 😉

Decisions, decisions… any feedback from our local fans about which events they’d be more likely to go to?