New day, new goodies

OK….. I’ve been a bad, baaaaaaaaaaaaad minion. I haven’t kept our main site as updated as I could have… I’ve left you all in the dark, wondering if there was ever going to be anything posted, ever, ever again.

I accept your condemnation.. I think it’s important to admit when one has been thoughtless.

BUT.. I had the best of reasons… look at all this amazing stuff we’ve been working on…..

11140247_817349685012474_1884434873996788857_nbags    scales1 scales5 scales2scales3celtic cloudsscales4 cloudsblacknpink   clouds2 flowers scales1 scales2 scales3 scales4 scales5 stretchy rainbow


Want to see more? We’ll be at the Albuquerque Ren Faire on May 2!